partners with Jaffna Stallions to promote free computer training for students

Dec 10, 2020 (LBO) – The Jaffna Stallions announced today that they will participate in the Hour of Code campaign, a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify coding.

The timing of the announcement comes during Computer Science Education Week and the team’s participation in the inaugural Lanka Premier League (LPL). will now be a global education partner of the Jaffna Stallions, and the teams will work together to activate this partnership in various ways. is dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools through their curriculum and programs from 4 years to O level (or kindergarten through grade 12) with over 56 million users worldwide.  As part of the partnership with the Jaffna Stallions, will make their content available in more languages, including Sinhalese and Tamil, starting in January 2021.  

“We believe that all children everywhere should have access to learn computer science as a foundational subject”, said Hadi Partovi, Founder and CEO of “ is excited to work with the Jaffna Stallions to drive awareness of this important initiative to parents and teachers everywhere.”

 “I would like to extend my warm wishes to, I share confidence that computer science literacy amongst young people in Sri Lanka will flourish,” said Anandan Arnold, CEO of the Jaffna Stallions. “Prior to breaking ground to the Jaffna Stallions Cricket Academy in Northern Province, we want to break virtual ground on this partnership to drive online computer science learning opportunities to students, parents, and educators everywhere.”

“I’m just excited that we can connect fans of the Jaffna Stallions and the broader Lanka Premier League to’s computer science training regardless of their background or location”, said Rahul Sood co-founder of the Jaffna Stallions. “Moreover, I really want to see more young girls train in computer science, to learn code - so hopefully we can drive awareness to their parents via the efforts of the Jaffna Stallions and This is way too important to ignore.”

Quick Facts: Hour of Code

  • There have been over 1 Billion student engagements with Hour of Code activities since the launch of the initiative in 2013
  • Global learning campaign with participation in 180+ countries
  • Computer Science Education Week 2020 runs Dec. 7-13
  • 68,232 events registered in 2020
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