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Cloud computing for the future: current trends, what to expect and more.

The industry of software outsourcing in Sri Lanka has long since been garnering demand to deliver products and services that are uniquely focused towards customers’ needs – both locally and internationally. As businesses both large and small compete to understand their end consumers better, building digital products and services that are oriented towards customer experience aren’t an embellishment on top of core offerings – they’re an essential.

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As a result, the approach you adopt towards delivering customer-centric products and services can make or break your business in this day and age, especially in light of fierce business competition, as well as a pandemic that has long since enforced lockdowns and invited economic downturns.

In spite of the compromised circumstances we are all in on a global scale, business has still been functioning as usual. How? Thanks to the cloud, of course.

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Making remote work a possibility at record time and at scale, even organizations that operated by conventional means up until then experienced little to no downtime during transition. Likewise, fast-paced customer centricity has also been made possible by the cloud, which therefore makes it an integral foundation for the digital landscape we heavily rely on today.

As indispensable as it is, the cloud is here to stay, no doubt. But what else does it have in store for the future? Here are a few such trends, all of which are offshoots from the world of cloud computing.

Spearheading a mainstream remote work environment

At a time when everyone was more or less compelled to shift to working remotely (else risk shutting down their businesses), the cloud has been the driving force behind every single transition, complex or otherwise. This has also brought Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) ever more to the forefront, as cloud-based providers leading the sector have proactively stepped up to assist businesses in moving over to a remote work environment as smoothly as possible.

Whether it’s a basic web conferencing solution to conduct weekly meetings with your team, or a remote call centre to handle inquiries from all over the world, UCaaS has been massively beneficial – while being completely based and managed on the cloud.

Redefining automation on a consumer and enterprise level

The concept of automation has long since been abuzz with discussion, and with ample influence from the cloud as well. In due course of the recent turn of events however, automation is an endeavour that is growing in importance for the benefit of getting things done through minimal contact. While this is one more reason for automation to be taken seriously by businesses of all sizes, its profound impact on both a consumer (customized product recommendations) and enterprise (containerized applications that are based across multiple nodes) are just some of the many reasons as to why automation is going to gain even more traction as time rolls on by.

Further leveraging analytics, AI and IoT

Automation closely ties in over here too, as comprehensive analytics is a prerequisite for automating operations, including IoT devices. With almost any device now open to the possibility of being transformed into a smart device, telemetry (the process of gathering data from endpoints) has improved both in terms of quality and quantity – thereby opening greater opportunities to train your cloud-based systems to be more intuitive via AI and machine learning.

Creating momentum and subsequent demand in the industry of cloud-based security software

As cloud computing becomes a crucial component for today’s digital landscape, it also becomes more vulnerable in terms of cyber security. With businesses and consumers alike connected and dependent on the cloud 24/7, a large number of endpoints make cloud-based networks vulnerable to cyber breaches of all kinds, ranging from theft to espionage. As a result, the industry of security software, which includes both security for your cloud networks as well as SaaS security solutions is constantly on the rise, as organizations plan on how to prevent and mitigate future risks.

Contributing to the world of quantum computing

Cloud support services aren’t reserved for consumers and businesses alone; in a fast-paced world which requires equally fast yet accurate problem-solving, quantum computing has been the answer to providing solutions that even the most robust supercomputers of today take years to deliver on. With minimal use cases as of current, as well as research and development still in the works, leading technology giants have been at the centre of it – with the cloud providing a strong foundation for operations and analytics to take place.

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In a nutshell…

While customer centricity had been a major factor behind the advent and innovation of cloud computing, the current pandemic has introduced a whole host of reasons to depend on the very same, all the more. As a dedicated AWS partner, we’ve been witnessing numerous trends that are rising from the world of cloud computing, with a steady shift to remote work being one of the biggest. Although automation has been a trend in the cloud landscape for a long time, it is slowly gaining traction, as it enables seamless operations on both an enterprise and consumer level.

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A growing number of endpoints, particularly IoT devices have been the source for advanced telemetry, thereby enabling round-the-clock collection of data, which can then be used to proactively control devices. AI and machine learning further enhance this process, as cloud networks can now be trained to function in a manner that’s more intuitive, resulting in analytics that are accurate even when making future predictions.

With a growing interest and reliance on cloud computing, networks are also more prone to vulnerabilities such as data theft, fraud and espionage. The security software industry (which includes both security for cloud networks, as well as single-purpose, SaaS-based security solutions) has also experienced a significant increase in demand. Last but not the least, quantum computing is another emerging trend in the field of complex problem solving, with leading tech giants using the cloud as an integral base to conduct research, development and deployments.

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