China and Sri Lanka to establish sister city relationships


Aug 31, 2017 (LBO) - Authorities in Monaragala, Uva Province Sri Lanka, have signed an MOU on establishing a sister city relationship with Jishan, Shanxi Province of China.
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The MOU was signed between the District Secretary of Monaragala and the Magistrate of the People’s Government of Jishan County with the participation of a Chinese delegation including six members at the District Secretariat Monaragala. The Cabinet Approval is expected to implement the agreement for establishing sister city relations in accordance with the principles in the Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Sri Lanka. "Considering the opportunity for promotion of friendly relations and deepening mutual understanding between the two countries through this MOU, Dr. Karunasena Kodituwakku, Ambassador of Sri Lanka in Beijing expedited the process of arranging the MOU once the proposal was initiated by the Most. Ven. Chang Zang, the Chief Incumbent of Longquan Temple in Beijing where one of the Lord Buddha’s sacred Tooth Relic is kept for reverence," a statement said. The Jishan region is considered as an important place for Sri Lanka because it is the birth place of Rev. Faxian who visited Sri Lanka during the 5th Century to learn Buddhism. T he 60 acre Jujube garden was also opened last year in Ven. Faxian’s home town named “China-Sri Lanka Friendship Jishan Jujube Orchard” to commemorate the cordial Buddhist relations between the two countries and to commemorate 60 years of diplomatic relations between China and Sri Lanka.
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