Central Bank adds Thai Baht to list of designated foreign currencies

Sri Lanka's Central Bank has included the official currency of Thailand, the Thai baht to the list of designated foreign currencies under the Off-Shore Banking Business Scheme.

The Central Bank said in a banking act order that this order replaces the earlier order issued on 27 October 2011.

Designated Foreign Currencies under the New Banking (Off-Shore Banking Business Scheme) Order

  1. Australian Dollar
  2. Canadian Dollar
  3. Chinese Renminbi
  4. Danish Kroner
  5. Euro
  6. Hongkong Dollar
  7. Japanese Yen
  8. New Zealand Dollar
  9. Norwegian Kroner
  10. Pound Sterling
  11. Singapore Dollar
  12. Swedish Kroner
  13. Swiss Franc
  14. Thai Baht
  15. United States Dollar
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