CEB Eng Union points fingers at PUCSL and Snr. Govt officials for power crisis
Apr 04, 2019 (LBO) - The power crisis in the country is mainly due to the timely non approval of the `Least Cost Long-Term Generation Expansion Plan’ (LCLTGEP) by the Public Utilities Commission (PUCSL) and interference of top officials in the power ministry.
"We put 50 percent of the blame for causing this current crisis on the PUCSL," Saumya Kumarawadu, president, Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) Engineers’ Union told reporters in Colombo, Wednesday.
"Not a single power station was added to the national grid during the past few years to meet the rising demand, and to make matters worse even those power stations that were scheduled to be built were halted."
Putting aside the years of planning done by engineers, he said and bringing forth the business interests of a few individuals and organized groups.
"Senior officials allied with business associates to earn a quick buck through under hand dealings has led to a tug of war while purposely delaying of power plant tenders has led to a crisis situation in the country.
“We take months to get the plan and prepare our plans with consultation of the PUCSL,"
"It was only in 2015 August that we were able to submit the plan, they delayed the approval till 2016 September and told us the plan should be resubmitted without the Sampur Power plant."
The CEB and PUCSL have been at loggerheads with each other over the Long-Term Least Cost Generation Plan for the next 20 years, which included a mixture of power plants.
The CEB Workers’ Union, which also held a media briefing Wednesday blamed the the crisis on the alleged coal promoting mafia of the Ceylon Electricity Board.
They called for a green energy option which will have a less environmental cost.