Sri Lanka faces refugee crisis as fighting erupts on two new fronts
COLOMBO, Aug 11, 2006 (AFP) - Tamil Tigers Friday warned of a humanitarian crisis after 42,000 people were displaced by a surge in violence that has left Sri …
COLOMBO, Aug 11, 2006 (AFP) - Tamil Tigers Friday warned of a humanitarian crisis after 42,000 people were displaced by a surge in violence that has left Sri …
KANTALAI, Sri Lanka, Aug 10, 2006 (AFP) - Sri Lankan warplanes bombed Tiger positions as fighting broke out again near a disputed waterway in the troubled …
KANTALAI, Sri Lanka, Aug 10, 2006 (AFP) - Doctor Iranthi de Silva has worked for 15 hours straight, battling fatigue and stress as casualties in Sri Lanka's …
KANTALAI, Sri Lanka, Aug 10, 2006 (AFP) - Sri Lankan war planes bombed Tamil Tiger positions as the two sides shelled each other around a disputed waterway …
Aug 9, 2006 (AFP) - Tamil Tiger rebels are insisting that truce monitors from EU countries quit Sri Lanka despite efforts by peace broker Norway to persuade …
Aug 9, 2006 (AFP) - Five people including a doctor were killed when an ambulance was caught up in a mine attack carried out by government forces, Tamil Tiger …
Aug 9, 2006 (AFP) - Water flowed down a disputed canal in Sri Lanka Wednesday after peace broker Norway defused the island's bloodiest battle in four years and …
PARIS, Aug 9, 2006 (AFP) - A French charity on Wednesday demanded that the "butchers" behind the murder of 17 of its employees in Sri Lanka's embattled …
TRINCOMALEE, Sri Lanka, Aug 8, 2006 (AFP) - Sri Lanka troops launched fresh artillery attacks against Tamil Tigers from bases in this port city Tuesday, as …
Aug 8, 2006 (AFP) - Three people were killed Tuesday in a bomb attack aimed at a Sri Lanka politician opposed to Tamil Tiger rebels who have been fighting a …
GENEVA, Aug 8, 2006 (AFP) - The International Committee of the Red Cross is trying to negotiate urgent access to the area around the northeastern Sri Lankan …
PARIS, Aug 8, 2006 (AFP) - Seventeen employees of a French charity found dead in northeastern Sri Lanka at the weekend were all executed by gunfire, the group …
TRINCOMALEE, Sri Lanka, Aug 8, 2006 (AFP) - Relatives Tuesday sprinkled perfumed water and buried aid workers gunned down inside their office in strife-torn …
Aug 8, 2006 (AFP) - Tamil Tiger rebels lifted a water blockade Tuesday at the root of Sri Lanka's latest bloodshed, which has officially claimed over 440 …
TRINCOMALEE, Sri Lanka, Aug 8, 2006 (AFP) - Grief-stricken men, women and children trudge to a refugee camp after fleeing deadly fighting through ghost towns …
TRINCOMALEE, Sri Lanka, Aug 8, 2006 (AFP) - Police have recovered the bodies of 17 aid workers employed by the Paris-based Charity Action Against Hunger (ACF) …
TRINCOMALEE, Sri Lanka, Aug 8, 2006 (AFP) - Slumped on the ground outside the hospital in this strife-torn Sri Lankan port town, Khanthasami Sivapaka cries for …
Aug 7, 2006 (AFP) - Sri Lanka's chief truce monitor has criticised government troops for shelling Tamil rebels as they tried to reopen a bitterly contested …
Aug 7, 2006 (AFP) - A French aid agency was Monday trying to find out who shot dead 15 of its employees as a Nordic truce monitor hit out at the Sri Lankan …
Aug 7, 2006 (AFP) - Sri Lanka mounted fresh artillery attacks against Tamil Tiger rebels Monday, a day after the guerrillas warned that shelling could lead to …