
Press Laws

July 12, 2012 (LBO) - Sri Lanka will bring laws to make registration of news websites with with the state compulsory and charge annual renewal fees, …

Lessons Learnt

July 04, 2012 (LBO) - Sri Lanka should implement several key measures contained in a report by a commission which studied lessons to be learnt from a recent …

Media Policing

June 30, 2012 (LBO) - Sri Lankan police Friday shut down main two opposition websites and arrested nine employees, and the house of its editor has also been …

Equity Probe

June 29, 2012 (LBO) - Sri Lanka's main opposition will push for an independent investigation into stock purchases by a state managed fund of private citizens' …

Public Petition

June 25, 2012 (LBO) - A former financial sector professional has written Sri Lanka's main political parties to help citizens petition parliament over risks …
