
Graphic Warning

May 12, 2014 (LBO) - Sri Lanka's Court of Appeal has approved graphic pictorial warnings on tobacco packs after Ceylon Tobacco Company challenged new health …

Jail Term

May 09, 2014 (LBO) - A revenue official was jailed for 102 years on 34 counts related to a value added tax refund fraud and fined 12 billion rupees (91 million …

Court Case

COLOMBO, May 5, 2014 (AFP) - Four of Sri Lanka's most senior hardline Buddhist monks appeared in court Monday accused of insulting the Koran, in the first such …

Boat People

COLOMBO, May 2, 2014 (AFP) - Sri Lanka's navy Friday arrested 54 would-be illegal immigrants in the first major detection of boat people heading to Australia …


May 01, 2014 (LBO) - A Sri Lankan national has been arrested in India over alleged links to Pakistani intelligence, the Times of India newspaper said.buy …
