
Naughty Boy

Sri Lanka police Wednesday arrested a senior civil servant on a charge of siphoning off tsunami aid meant for thousands of survivors in the island's devastated …


The LTTE continued recruiting children in 2004 but says it is willing to talk with the United Nations to set up a child recruitment monitoring system. buy …

Not Funny

Depositors and creditors of the failed Pramuka Bank sought legal action on Tue demanding Rs. 6 bn as damages from the regulator, the auditors and directors. …

Tsunami Act

Sri Lanka is to arm itself with tough emergency laws before a major post-tsunami reconstruction effort which has secured unprecedented international financial …

Land Grab

Battered victims of Sri Lanka's tsunami, are facing another blow as the government draws up plans to grab their only remaining asset, the piece of valuable …

Warming Up

The Kyoto Protocol will come into effect early next year with Russia finally ratifying the agreement to cut down on green house gasses. online pharmacy buy …

Make or Break

Pramuka’s liquidation process took another twist on Thu. when Court asked monetary authorities to make a ‘honest’ attempt to revive the bank. Pramuka’s …

Ugly Story

Last month a 40-year-old, wealthy planter was put away for 48 years for repeatedly raping his own children. Last month a 40-year-old, wealthy planter was put …
