
Count Down

Sri Lanka's Supreme Court has ruled that President Chandrika Kumaratunga's final term ends in December, clearing the way for elections between October 22 and …

Extra Time

Sri Lanka's Supreme Court on Monday asked the elections chief to hold back on announcing the date of presidential polls pending a ruling on when the term of …

Dim View

Sri Lanka's Supreme Court blocking a land-mark aid sharing deal among the island's warring parties is seen by diplomats and analysts as the worst setback for …


Sri Lanka Telecom’s tariff dispute could set the telco giant back by a few billions in profits depending on how the Appeal Court ruling against its tariff is …

Rinse Cycle

Sri Lanka's cabinet has approved a proposal to enact laws to nab money launderers and expose irregular financial transactions, officials said …

Leave to Appeal

Sri Lanka Telecom on Wednesday said that it will seek special leave to appeal Monday’s Court of Appeal ruling against its 2003 tariff hike. buy clomid online …

Call Back

The Appeal Court on Monday quashed Sri Lanka Telecom’s 2003 tariff increase, which raised monthly rentals to Rs. online pharmacy buy strattera with best …

Off The Table

Sri Lanka plans to draw up laws to prevent key state-run companies from being privatised, Finance Minister Sarath Amunugama said Friday. online pharmacy buy …

Jail Birds

Five men were Monday sentenced to hang for killing a Sri Lankan judge who had handed down heavy sentences on gangsters. online pharmacy buy spiriva inhaler …

Different Tune

For the first time in Sri Lanka, two cases of mass scale copyright violations had the book thrown at them this week. online pharmacy buy cymbalta with best …

Limited Edition

Sri Lanka raised the capital requirement for money changers by 900 percent and paved the way for dealers to open branches, the Central Bank said Friday. online …


Sri Lanka's Credit Information Bureau (CRIB) is to expand its services to include factoring, non-bank and non-financial providers of credit, officials said …

Scam Jam

Though the Gold Quest scam seems to have collapsed in Sri Lanka, anti-pyramid activists are warning that new network marketing scams with other products will …

Illegal Quest

GoldQuest, the controversial network marketing scheme, is now illegal in Sri Lanka after its scam drained US$ 15 million in foreign exchange from the country, …

Borrowing Time

Sri Lanka Telecom and the industry watchdog will make further submissions in the District Courts in mid-June to defend the incumbent fixed line operator’s …

Change of Mind

The Sri Lankan government now says it will consider alternatives to the no-building-zone regulation in areas of land shortage. buy zithromax online …

Come Clean

The World Bank is backing media and civil society groups to make information a ‘public good’ in Sri Lanka. buy synthroid online …
