Cargo Service

July 01, 2013 (LBO) - Sri Lanka's Hemas group, which has interests in consumer goods, leisure power and logistics said it has started building a container yard and warehouse in Welisara, north of the capital Colombo.
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It will handle and store empty and laden containers.

The firm will also provide warehousing facilities to exporters, mainly aimed at apparel exports and ‘garment-on-hanger’ operations.

The container deport, Hemas Integrated Logistics (Pvt) Ltd is located at Welisara Industrial Zone and is expected to be operational in two months with the arrival of container handling equipment.

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The depot will be able to stack containers seven high.
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"We are buoyant of the opportunities logistics will bring into Sri Lanka and through this investment," Kasturi Wilson, managing director of the transportation sector at Hemas said in a statement.

"Our operations will aim to play a key role in positioning the country as a maritime and logistics hub.

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