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Canal Tours

The immediate land surrounding Colombos canal ways could get a facelift along with a proposed transport project.
A team sponsored by Canadian authorities recently concluded an initial feasibility study on Colombos canal system.

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rnThe team is now back in Canada to draw up financial proposals before work on detailed plans and funding arrangements can start. rn

rnThe project in partnership with the Urban Development Authority (UDA) will be funded by Canadian donor agencies. rn

rnThe team in its initial report has recommended dressing up the canal banks for aesthetic purposes. rn

rnOfficials say the proposal will help develop a vibrant economy around the canal system, with the potential to become a major tourist attraction. rn

rnThe proposal also falls in line with plans to redevelop Colombo into the mega metropolis complete with most development centring around the waterways. rn

rnIn addition, the Land Reclamation and Development Corp., (LRDC) has already called on interested parties to de

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