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Business leaders meet Lord Mark Malloch-Brown in Colombo

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Apr 05, 2016 (LBO) - Top Sri Lankan business personalities met Rt Hon Lord Mark Malloch-Brown at a dinner event in Colombo organized by the Horton Debate Society. Mark Malloch-Brown was rated one of the 100 most influential people in the world, according to TIME magazine, in 2005.
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He was hosted to an intimate dinner at the Grand Gourmet restaurant on Horton Place in Colombo, with Ranjan Hulugalle, chairman of the society, presiding over the event. Among the guests and members were Rt Hon Sir Desmond de Silva, Rukman Senanayake, Ananda Atukorala, Mahen Weerasekara, Sheamali Wickramasingha, Hanif Yusuf, Prashan Nagendra, Anosha Subasinghe, Vinod Hirdaramani and Mack Gill.
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A former number two in the United Nations, Mark Malloch-Brown served in the British Cabinet and Foreign Office. He was deputy secretary-general of the UN under Kofi Annan, and administrator of the UNDP.
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He has been a vice-chairman of George Soros’ Investment Funds, as well as his Open Society Institute, a vice president at the World Bank, and vice-chairman of the World Economic Forum. Speaking at the dinner event, Mark Malloch-Brown explained the international context of challenges that Sri Lanka faced, and rapidly evolving developments in Europe.
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He then took questions from the audience. On the boards of several companies and non-profits, Mark Malloch-Brown is the author of “The Unfinished Global Revolution.
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” In 2005 Time Magazine put him on its list of the 100 most influential people in the world.

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Hulugalle said the Horton Debate Society organizes opportunities for Sri Lankans to interact with international personalities to promote networking and development of the Sri Lankan economy. The group has organized events with former and current prime ministers of developed countries, economists on the world stage, and members of the European Parliament.
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Several high profile international figures are expected to visit the island in coming months and further networking events are expected, he said. For details of the Horton Debate Society contact
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