Sri Lankas foreign reserves took a 2.2 percent dip in February, slightly above a 5.7 percent drop in January 2004, according to latest data released by the Central Bank.
Officialrnor Central Bank reserves slipped to US$ 2,277.5 mn, while total reserves, whichrnalso includes private holdings, rose 4.
9 percent to US$ 3,374.2 mn.
SrirnLanka has to boost reserves steadily by allowing the rupee to float, accordingrnto the agreement with the International Monetary Fund.
rnrn External Financern | rn rn 2004 rn * | rn rn 2003 | rn rn % Change rn | rn |||
rn rn | rn rn rn | rn rn rn | rn rn rn | rn rn End Feb. | rn rn End Dec. rn | rn rn rn | rn
rn External rn Assets | rn rn | rn rn | rn rn | rn rn rn | rn rn rn | rn rn rn rn | rn
rn Total rn Reserves (a) | rn rn | rn rn US$ mn | rn rn | rn rn 3,374.2 rn | rn rn 3,218.1 rn | rn rn 4.9rn rn | rn
rn rn | rn rn rn | rn rn Rs.rn mn | rn rn rn | rn rn rn 333,977.5 rn | rn rn rn 311,313.7 rn | rn rn 7.3 rn | rn
rn Gross rn Official Reserves rn | rn rn US$rn mn | rn rn rn | rn rn rn 2,277.5 rn | rn rn rn 2,329.0 rn | rn rn -2.2 rn | rn |
rn | rn rn | rn rn Rs. mn | rn rn | rn rn 225,429.8 rn | rn rn 225,304.3 rn | rn rn 0.1rn rn | rn
Inrn2004, the rupee remained strong, gaining 0.1 percent against a weak dollar thanrnoriginally envisaged under the IMFs PRGF programme.
Thernagreement has been in limbo since December, because the government was unable tornimplement key reforms, due to political instability.
Inrnthe last few months, fiscal targets have also showing signs of going awry, withrnthe government subsidising a range of goods, including petroleum, wheat flourrnand sugar, in the run up to the general election.