Sri Lanka's first listed dotcom is raising cash for expansion, amidst talk of a possible take-over by a company in the medical sector. Each day hundreds of Sri Lankans use www. to make an appointment with their doctor.
The channel centres of the bigger private hospitals in Colombo brings most its revenues.
With internet use still in its infancy the firm had to look for different ways to reach the customer, instead of simply relying on a virtual portal and waiting for customers to click.
Teaming up with Sampath Bank was the first move. Then the firm started using pharmacies.
"We have seen very good growth in the pharmacies," says eChannelling.
com CEO Sidath Chandrasena.
"The pharmacy network is continuing to grow, plus the appointments we are getting through the pharmacies are also continuing to grow.
While the brick and mortar end of the network seems to be doing exceptionally well in Sri Lanka, is hedging its bets, by getting into mobile p