Bileeta Partners with USAID CATALYZE Sri Lanka Private Sector Development (PSD) to offer tech support to SMEs

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Bileeta, one of Sri Lanka’s top ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions providers, has joined hands with USAID CATALYZE Sri Lanka Private Sector Development (PSD), to provide cutting-edge ERP solutions to eligible SME customers, through a special grant programme.

These solutions will be provided in collaboration with and through partnerships facilitated by PSD with financial institutions,
umbrella organizations, professional associations, and lead firms.

The USAID CATALYZE Sri Lanka Private Sector Development (PSD) Activity PSD aims to develop a competitive and thriving private sector. The Activity’s focus is on empowering women in the labour force, accelerating inclusive growth through MSMEs and partners that deliver economic empowerment
by improving the capacity and competitiveness of MSMEs, improving access and availability of financing for MSMEs, and increasing MSME adaptation and resilience.

While SMEs account for 52% of GDP in Sri Lanka, a lack of technological expertise and integration is the most common challenge faced by the sector, hindering growth and making effective competition challenging, both locally and globally.

Thus, this exclusive collaboration between Bileeta and PSD will
enable eligible SMEs to streamline their businesses through the implementation of technology in areas such as sales and invoicing, inventory management, accounting & finance, purchasing and reporting.

A kick-off meeting to mark the inauguration of this partnership between Bileeta and PSD was held at the USAID CATALYZE Sri Lanka Office at Aitken Spence Towers. Juan Forero, Activity Team Lead, PSD and Chief Executive Officer at Bileeta, Sanji De Silva were both present at the occasion.

Sharing his thoughts, Mr De Silva said, “We have seen Technology bring about rapid and revolutionary growth in organizations. We are truly honoured to partner with PSD to bring about such an impactful
move in the SME sector in Sri Lanka. SMEs need our support now more than ever, and we are humbled to extend our expertise in ERP solutions to promote growth in this sector.”

PSD’s Activity Team Lead, Juan Forero commented, “At USAID Catalyze we believe in the power of harnessing the private sector to accelerate the path of growth and development in a sustainable way.

With that in mind, we have started our collaboration with Bileeta, to offer top-of-the-line ERP solutions to Small & Medium businesses in Sri Lanka, in partnership with lead financial institutions and large companies”.

About Bileeta
Bileeta is an award-winning technology company that takes pride in developing enterprise solutions to empower various industries, with a focus on offering better experiences for all. The Company focuses
on adaptability, speed of delivery, quality and ease of use, while also working with global organizations such as UNDP, USAID, Chemonics and The Global Fund, to provide world class solutions to local and
global organizations in the public and private sectors.

About USAID CATALYZE Private Sector Development Activity
The USAID CATALYZE Private Sector Development (PSD) Activity is a 5-year activity designed to bolster Micro, Small- and Medium-Enterprises (MSMEs) in high-growth-potential sectors in Sri Lanka. Focus sectors include tourism, information and communication technology (ICT), apparel, commercial care and food processing, with a special emphasis being placed on women-owned and run enterprises, to promote female entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka.

(Press Release)

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