Bank of Ceylon relocates its Disaster Recovery Center

Press Release: Sri Lanka’s Bank of Ceylon, re-launched its Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) with the State-of the-art technology and new facilities recently. With the introduction of added facilities at the new premises, the DRC is now able to face with greater confidence major disruptive events that may interrupt customer service.
The Bank has always been taking the required precautionary measures to recover quickly from any interruption to customer service. The new DRC was ceremonially opened by Mr. Ronald C Perera, Chairman -Bank of Ceylon and Mr D M Gunesekara, General Manager-Bank of Ceylon in the presence of the Senior Management on 6th May 2017.
DRC provides the resources to re-establish information technology services at an alternate site following any disruptive situation. Therefore the facilities at the new DRC of the Bank ensure the availability of critical business operations during a disaster and helps to manage the potential risk to Bank’s customers and Financial Market.
Critical Business Operations include Retail and Corporate Baking, Offshore Banking, International and Treasury operations, ATM services, and many more. Early this year, BOC introduced Mobile Branches as a fully-fledged branch running on wheels which can be deployed in disaster recovery support whenever required. Financial sector DRC operations are highly regulated and monitored by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
Leading the Sri Lankan Banking industry with over 77 years experience, the Bank of Ceylon has become the most stable and the trusted bank in the country that serves Sri Lankans from all walks of life helping them to build their lives and make themselves financially stable whilst uplifting the country’s economy.
The Bank earned global recognition as one of the top 1000 banks in the world, (Country rank No.1) as listed by “The Banker Magazine” (UK) respectively in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. The Bank claimed its award as the only Sri Lankan brand recognized as one of Asia’s Best Brands in 2013 by the Chief Marketing Officer’s Council (CMO Council) based in Mumbai, India. Brand Finance Lanka has ranked Bank of Ceylon as the country’s No. 1 brand for the last nine consecutive years. The Bank has passed exceptional milestones in recent years such as becoming the first to gain over Rs.1.5 Trillion assets, over Rs.One Trillion Deposits and over Rs. One Trillion advances.
Focusing on the Banks achievement, Fitch Rating Lanka ranked the Bank of Ceylon at AA+(lka) which is the highest rating awarded to a local commercial bank and ICRA (lk) awarded AAA rating which is the highest credit quality rating issued by ICRA Lanka.
BOC won the merit award for Annual Report 2015 under state owned enterprises category at the Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards – 2016 conducted by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka. “Asia’s Best Employer Brand” awards organized by Employer Brand Institute endorsed the BOC as one of those classed as a “Best Employer Brand” for the year 2016. The Bank of Ceylon maintains international presence with three overseas branches and a subsidiary in London.