Government is reviving plans to use a controversial United States offer to find money for forest conservation. The Tropical Rainforest Act allows countries, which owe money to the US treasury to channel a part of it to a conservation fund.
The finance ministry is putting together a committee comprising government and NGO's to look at the issue.
Many foot paths inside the Sinharaja forest are actually old logging trails, and the fallen tree trunks one would see along, are reminders of a time in the 1970's when the Sri Lankan government logged the forest for timber.
Our own government would no longer log this forest.
But at the peripheries, tea smallholders are cutting the forest to plant tea bushes.
Conservationists say they would like to have some money to acquire the land around forests in Sri Lanka from private owners and create buffer zones.
They would like to acquire land to connect isolated forest patches elsewhere in the island and link nearby ones wherever possible.
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The Tropi