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Anuradhapura North to get water pipelines in Rs32 bln project

July 22, 2016 (LBO) - Sri Lanka's cabinet has approved a water supply project for Anuradhapura North with a 32.

1 billion rupee loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). "More Chronic Kidney Patients are reported than other districts in the island, as 85 percent of people living in rural areas of the district obtain drinking water from unhealthy sources," a cabinet statement said. "Such patients as well as their dependents are highly affected. Hence it has become crucial to provide healthy drinking water through pipelines." The Wahalkada Water Supply Project will benefit people living in Padawiya, Kebithigollewa, Horovpothana and Kahatagasdigiliya in the northern part of Anuradhapura. Under the proposal made by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his capacity as the Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs, Sri Lanka will obtain a concessionary loan of 23,137 million Yen (32,169 million rupees) from JICA for the above project. The statement said The Asian Development Bank had agreed to provide an additional loan of 60 million dollars for the above project.

"These funds are expected to be utilized in projects related to provide safe drinking water as a solution to the Chronic Kidney Disease, improvement of divisional infrastructure and preliminary services, expedition of restructuring process of local government authorities and improving capacity of the same which are the priority tasks of the government."
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