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AmCham hosts Stephen Renna from U.S. Department of Commerce

(PRESS RELEASE) - Stephen Renna, Director, Advocacy Center, U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration will meet with members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Sri Lanka this Friday. The meeting will focus on initiatives being carried out by the Advocacy Center to boost business for U.
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S. companies as well as an open discussion on current challenges faced by U.S. businesses operating in Sri Lanka. Stephen Renna has over 30 years of experience working in the legal, policy and trade association professions.

He previously served as a trade association executive having led two trade associations and been a senior executive in a third.  Mr. Renna also is a subject matter expert in complex real estate equity and finance structures and capital markets.
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Facilitated by the AmCham in Sri Lanka and the U.

S. Embassy in Sri Lanka, this meeting is open to members of the business community.
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For registrations, please contact the AmCham Secretariat on T: 2300116/7 or E: info@amcham.
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