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Paski Returns

ldblquote Mr. Paskerlingum and current advisor to Prime Minister, Mr. online pharmacy buy clomiphene no prescription pharmacy K Wijedasa are expected …

Talking Yens

The trip follows last Friday quote s announcement made by the Japanese government to relax its travel advisory on Sri Lanka. online pharmacy buy …

Another Drop

The bank said the auction was oversubscribed with bids for Rs. online pharmacy buy ciprodex with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy buy …

Vote For Funds

The move comes after the government quote s maiden budget presentation was pushed back to late March, to accommodate the local government elections, …

Fresh Notes

Though the euro was introduced two years ago, real notes and coins were only issued on January 1, 2002. online pharmacy buy diflucan with best prices …

Make My Day

As expected by political analysts, Weerawansa confirmed his party would take a hardline stand against the privatisation programme. online pharmacy …

Time to Heal

Year-end arrivals took a 16 percent plunge to 340,000 from 400,414 in 2000 but Tourist Board Officials are forecasting a turnaround of around 450,000 …

Labour Check Up

The consultancy is expected to submit their proposals by March this year for eventual cabinet approval and islandwide implementation.ldblquote The …