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The Central Bank plans to expand the number of primary dealers dealing exclusively in government debt.rnrnNewcomers will be on par with existing …


Amendments to the Companies quote Act would focus on enhancing minority shareholders rights and disclosing directors quote duties, he …

Soft Hopes

A Microsoft spokesperson said they hoped that greater awareness would encourage computer users to consider purchasing original software. buy …

Red Tape Tax

The survey selected 200 medium and large-scale businesses operating in Colombo and Kurunagela to identify major regulatory impediments affecting …

Over Selling

The euphoria poured over to today trading, taking the benchmark All Share Price Index up 3. buy albuterol online albuterol online generic 39 points …

Getting Closer

The agreement on Administrative Arrangements for Cooperation sets out the framework and processes that will lead to better coordination and division …


Treasury bonds continued to slide at this week quote s auction with three-year notes shedding three basis points to 14. online pharmacy buy ciprodex …

Raising Capital

The issue due to open on Jan. 21 also carries the option of raising a further Rs. 30 mn in the event of an oversubscription, the bank said. online …