Hatton National Bank (HNB) is tying up its insurance subsidiary and other goods and service providers to spruce up its Senior Citizens savings account. The revamped account offers it’s over 55 year old customers, personal loans, discounts and a healthcare insurance plan for their loyalty and minimum commitment.
Account holder with a pension can also tap the Bank for a self-employment loan scheme of up to Rs.
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100,000, routing their monthly remittance through the Senior Citizens account.
“We feel that this group of people need the support of banks,” said Chandula Abeywickrema, Deputy General Manager, Personal Banking.
Bank officials added that benefits are tied to every level of the account, with the basket widening with higher deposits.
A Rs. 500,000 deposit for a three month stretch for instance adds the medical insurance plan from insurance subsidiary HNB Assurance to the account’s benefits, paying upto Rs.
10,000 per day for seven days.
The insurance scheme tied to the acco