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Dev Day 2015 Aims to Accelerate Software Professionalism

dev day sri lanka

Dev Day is an international software conference bearing the theme “Accelerating Sri Lankan Software Professionalism.”As the theme implies, the rationale behind making this conference a reality is exposing Sri Lankan software professionals to the thought leaders of global software engineering industry. Why Dev Day? In specific terms, there are four major reasons to organize such an international level professional conference in Sri Lanka; 1. Need of an international standard IT conference experience for Sri Lankan professionals 2. Opportunity for Sri Lankan professionals to speak alongside the world leaders in the industry 3. To facilitate networking sessions with leaders & peers in the industry 4. Helping our software engineers to change their mindset from traditional software development to embrace leading trends & disruptions and be more free thinkers and innovative professionals Visit Dev Day 2013 and Dev Day 2014 sites to see the successes we had previous years. Date: 18th December Venue: Cinnamon Lakeside Target audience: Software developers & software project managers Some of the topics we will talk at Dev Day 2015 are; 1. IoT/ Wearables 2. Rest API 3. Cloud 4. Micro service architecture 5. DevOps 6. SAFe 7. Web Security 8. Node.JS/Angular JS 9. Test automation and much more! Program dev day schedule   Speakers are both foreign and local professionals. We have now confirmed the following foreign speakers: Alexander Kjerulf- VenkatSubramaniam- Naresh Jain- We are also in discussion with more foreign and local speakers. To keep the entrance affordable to everyone we have prices the tickets at Rs 10, 000.00 (Early bird rate). We look forward to the participation of all the IT companies in Sri Lanka, and benefit from this massive knowledge sharing event.
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