As states set standards for lower sulfhour content, cat fines, or hard aluminum and silicone dioxide particles residues of catalytic cracking had started to go up in low sulfour fuel oil which is made by blending.
The legal limit for catalytic fines were now 80 parts per million though engine manufacturers wanted only 15 ppm.
The US where environmental regulations had demanded ever lower sulphur content had suffered the worst deterioration.
"When you are reducing the sulfour content, there is something happening to the quality of fuel," Kjeldsen said.
"The consequence of blending down products to meet sulfour regulations had caused an increase in cat fines.
Ship crews were attempting to filter fuels on board before use, but with only limited success.
Quality Management
Singapore was the world's largest bunkering port. Gibraltar and UAE were others. Singapore and Gibraltar had a bunkering code of practice.
In Colombo, the biggest bunker sellers we