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Sri Lanka Treasury bill yields flat


Oct 07, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s Treasury bill yields were flat for the second straight week at Wednesday’s auction, data from the state debt office showed.

The 3-month yield was flat 6.78 percent with bids amounting to 15.1 billion rupees being received and it was decided to accept 6.5 billion rupees from the auction.

The 06 month yield was also flat at 7.07 percent with bids amounting to 13.9 billion rupees being received and accepting only 1.7 billion rupees.

The 12-month yield was flat 7.18 percent with bids amounting to 16.
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2 billion rupees being received and accepting 1.6 billion rupees.

The Central Bank received 45.3 billion rupees of bids after offering 22 billion rupees for the auction.

The regulator accepted bills worth 9.
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7 billion rupees.

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