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Marxist JVP presents 20 proposals for immediate implementation


Sep 17, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s Marxist JVP and several civil organizations on Thursday presented a set of proposals to the government for the immediate implementation.

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Most of these reforms were also included in the manifesto of the government presented for the general election held on 17th August.
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“We need to get rid of the political culture nurtured during Rajapaksa period and to establish political, legal and administrative reforms that would prevent a repetition of such a situation,” Party Leader Anura Dissanayake said. “Also, it is the responsibility of an administration that respects the mandate it has been given to implement such reforms.” The following is the set of proposals for immediate implementation: 01. Bring in constitutional amendments to totally abolish executive presidential system 02. Enforce laws to revoke Parliamentary seats of Parliamentarians who cross over 03. Abolish provisions that exist in the 19th amendment to increase the number of ministers to 30 and the number of deputy ministers to 40 and legalize having subjects and institutions of ministries on a scientific basis by bringing in a Parliamentary act 04. Introducing, after a broad dialogue with the masses, a new electoral system that would allow fair representation of multiple political tendencies that exist in our country in Parliament, provincial councils and local government bodies.
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05. Adopting in Parliament and implementing the Right to Information Act 06. Adopting and implementing the National Audit Act 07. Appointing a Parliamentary Select committee to prepare a programme to enable Sri Lankan citizens living abroad to vote from where they are domiciled 08. Humiliating, ridiculing and subjecting to injustice due to one’s race, religion or any other reason should be totally prohibited and a ‘Commission Against Discrimination’ should be established to entertain and investigate complaints from those who have been subjected to indiscrimination and to take legal action against offenders. 09. Establishing a ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ through an Act of development and reconstruction of national unity to enable those who were affected by the war to present their grievances, to find out the truth regarding such complaints and to give relief to the distressed.
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10. Investigating expeditiously all frauds and corruption that have been reported so far and punishing the perpetrators immediately should be considered a priority of the government. Change the situation that exists in Attorney General’s Department, the CID and other state investigating institutions that undermines, puts off investigations to fulfill the needs of politicians.
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11. Strengthening and making totally independent all institutes that have been established to investigate frauds and corruption and to punish those responsible. 12. Allocating a minimum of 6% of GNP from state funds for education and making use of these funds to develop free education, its quality and development of infrastructure relevant to education. 13. i. Adding all allowances of state employees to their basic salary ii. Bringing in laws necessary to increase the salary of all private sector employees by Rs.
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2500 iii. The proposed daily wages of estate sector employees to be increased to Rs.
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1000 iv. Implementing, as has been accepted by the Construction Industry Development Act, pension benefits and an insurance scheme to employees and craftsmen in the construction industry as they represent a large portion of the irregular employment sector. 14. Abolishing the system of political appointments when recruiting to state and statutory bodies and establishing a system to recruit on eligibility.
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15. Strengthening legal provisions and institutions that exist for the protection of women and children and establishing a special court to hear offenses of abuse of women and children.
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16. Stopping the spread of narcotic drugs to save children and young generation from the hazard of drug addiction and taking immediate steps to implement the law against drug racketeers.
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17. Legalizing, to cover the private sector as well, the guaranteed prices decided by the government for paddy, rubber and tea and legalizing prices of other agro products when their guaranteed prices are determined. 18. To frame a national policy that covers fine arts and the media sector that would protect the professional dignity of artistes, to give total freedom for creations, enable all citizens to appreciate artistic creations and to establish a council consisting of experts in the relevant fields to frame such a policy. 19. Activating immediately the National Intellectual Property Office to consolidate the right of artistic creators in a manner that would not hinder the right of the people for information and people’s access to knowledge.
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20. Compile a national policy to conserve natural resources and the environment to meet national necessity and study existing policies, acts and regulations in connection with conservation strategies and strengthen them.
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8 years ago

Under current business conditions the government can not decide the salaries and it all depend on demand and supply. Instead the government should create a conducive environment to improve businesses.

8 years ago
Reply to  Suneth

These fraudsters are just trying to score some points. All just nonsense.

8 years ago

The new JVP run by NGOs is such. When the country faces grave issues they amplify insignificant issues to direct attention else where.

8 years ago

Demanding recently increased allowances to be added to basic means increasing pension by 10000.00. That is to be paid by taxes on all of us. (But Govt servant never pay Income tax!!)

This is ok if JVP ask Govt sector to work. Many are just kept. No work or output. Also they should demand Loss making Govt institutes to make profits or privatise.

They only bother about their vote bank. Govt servants and Uni students. JVP should start talking about country as a whole. Sri Lanka has a very large Govt sector. Already too big.No country be developed with Increasing salaries and Govt sector. Even too many Holidays for them. They should instead ask to develop private sector and encourage self employment / small business. Then the Govt sector will not be attractive so much. Now everybody wants to join Govt. NO FUTURE.

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