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Sri Lanka assures consultation with OHCHR and intl organizations


Addressing UNHRC in Geneva

Sep 16, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s Foreign Ministry in a letter has assured the UN Human Rights Commissioner the non recurrence of rights violations and consultations with international organizations.
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Complimenting UN Human Rights Commissioner for conveying an advanced copy of the OHCHR report a few days ago, the foreign ministry said it was encouraged by the High Commissioner’s recognition of new government’s efforts.

The ministry has also assured dialogue and consultations with all stakeholders especially the victims of conflict, communities as well as High Commissioner’s office and other international organizations.

The letter noted that the report represents a human rights investigation and not a criminal investigation.

"Sri Lanka remains open to continuing its engagement with the High Commissioner and his office as well as systems and procedures of the Human Rights Council.
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" the letter further said.
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