Investments will flow into Sri Lanka after polls: CBK


June 16, 2015 (LBO) – Investors are waiting for the upcoming election to finish in order to bring in new projects to Sri Lanka, former President Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumaratunge said.

“We need to bring in investments and now the investors are ready to come,” she said at a recent media conference. “Because they know that the polls are impending they have come and had the necessary discussions and put everything in place but will come only post election.

” Kumaratunge says that she had met several European investors in the past few years that had been keen to start projects in the Island but had faced difficulty during the Rajapaksa rule. “I can tell you especially big European investors who had come and had discussions with the Board of Investment and were very keen to set up here but the only issue they had was that everyone wanted a commission,” “Not one but all the departments and the politicians, some time they said the whole family wanted commissions,” Now she says this issue is not there so they are all ready and waiting to invest. Sri Lanka’s new 100 day administration took a back seat in setting a foreign direct investment goal for 2015 after authorities failed to meet their targets in the recent past. In 2014 FDI increased by 9.2 per cent from 84 million US dollars to one billion US dollars according to statistics from the Central Bank’s annual report while FDI in 2013 declined by 2.7 per cent from a year earlier to 916 million US dollars. According to investments advisors, Sri Lanka’s policy inconsistency is unhealthy for foreign investments and the mini budget 2015 also did not sent the right signals to the FDI community.
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9 years ago

Hmm then why did not a single investor come when you ruled the country? Did you ask for commissions too?

Dickie Bird
Dickie Bird
9 years ago

What business have you got Chaura regina ?/// Keep your hands off the GOSL. You are expired and as well as your sell by date. Who gave you the authority?
Wonder whenther you wait in the wings to purchase another castle after the elections?
Till the elections what will the GOSL do???
Disgraceful woman………….

9 years ago
Reply to  Dickie Bird

After the elections she will be back in TAMIL homeland in LONDON

9 years ago
Reply to  Dickie Bird

when she opens mouth worms are coming out. her offsprings are shugging with LTTE coolies in London shame on her

9 years ago

See who is talking about commissions and corruption?
Sri Lanka is today a joke with various “war lords” pulling in different directions and that is why FDIs have come to a halt.
We need the help of Saman Deviyo to protect the country from these politicians controlled by foreign forces.

9 years ago

See who is talking about commissions and corruption?
Sri Lanka is today a joke with various “war lords” pulling in different directions and that is why FDIs have come to a halt.
We need the help of Saman Deviyo to protect the country from these politicians controlled by foreign forces.

9 years ago

Yes I saw a long queue of Investors are waiting to board Sri Lanka bound aircraft.

9 years ago

Lots of robbing will happen after the elections. Ranil is the only honest person in govt. rest are all rogues

9 years ago

Must be whisky. Since yahapalanaya even SL water has become pure than Scottish hihgland water. What does Chandrika know about business and international investments.? First learn to honour the existing contracts!

Metteyya Brahmana
Metteyya Brahmana
9 years ago

We don’t need POLITICAL investors who are more interested in “controlling and exploiting” the country at the expense of everyone else – we need ALL WEATHER INVESTORS like the Chinese that are there for Sri Lanka no matter what.

9 years ago

you are one of the worst women in Srilanka

Frances Cassim
Frances Cassim
9 years ago

It’ s very obvious that you are pandering to the gallery by lying through your teeth… That said, could you please divulge how you got a mansion in the UK..

9 years ago

Let’s give some credit to the lady. Without her we may still have been subjects of an evil despot.

That said, I don’t see why anyone would be interested in investing in Sri Lanka when the government ministers are of such low caliber, and almost all political appointments are people who couldn’t even get a decent job if they were living in a 1st world country.

BOI Chair – UPUL J – enough said, what a joker.

Danuna Tillekeratne
Danuna Tillekeratne
9 years ago
Reply to  Merv

Let’s not. After all, she ruined the country and the system for 11 years before she was kicked out. She in fact investigated whether she could stay on for at least one more year before that happened. Those 11 years were perhaps the most abject period of country’s economy. It was a time, lies became legal and friends of politicians became the power.
If previous regime is to blame for anything, she is responsible for handing over the country to them in such a pathetic state. Anyway, speaking of today, this is no different to CBK era. The education minister has perhaps not gone to school beyond Grade 3. Whatever he says has a political connotation, never a good intention for the betterment of country’s education. It’s disgraceful the lot from FUTA who made such a hoo-haa before the election to bring this lot have nothing to say now when the education has become a pet project an uneducated minor. About investors, yea right, they are on their way, but hang on, why didn’t they come when the lady was in office? She still believes that the average voter is a toilet paper. He can be used in the election and flushed out afterwards.

9 years ago

CBK did suffer from the same basic problem Ranil does, that is appointing incompetent people to high positions. However like Ranil she is a decent character. That basic decency was lacking in MR regime and I don’t care what they did for the country, it would never be enough for me to want to live under suppression.

She is a decent woman who deserves some credit and respect.

9 years ago

i wonder if Chandrika too went to Sumanadasa astrologer to get this prediction.

9 years ago

Yes when Mahinda comes into power investors are waiting to come, you know they left when he lost and they will definitely come back, proven previously.

9 years ago

Chandrika is a disgrace to the Sinhalese she is a crook incarnate. she should get out if she had any shame. She said her children are ashamed of being Sinhalese on channel 4. she should leave,

9 years ago

Yo chaura regina! Did the blast from that bomb that affected your eye give you amnesia?? Saying you don’t know Sri Lanka?? Did you also forget who your daughter is married to?? That tamil diaspora LTTE. There’s the truth Sri Lankans. Why do you listen to your son-in-law? What can he do? Why are you trying to attack the last King, Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa? If you plan on staying in Sri Lanka, get your passport ready so you can leave our country when people start looking for you………… Leave but do not bring any enemy into Sri Lanka. Crazy drunken woman… you want to ruin a country? Do it somewhere else, but not Sri Lanka. People don’t have the time to deal with you and your stupidity…..

9 years ago

Please shut your mouth and get out. You are the most unpopular woman in Sri Lanka

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