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Ship Repair

Feb 12, 2011 (LBO) - Sri Lankan listed ship yard Colombo Dockyard is currently doing repair work on several small tankers and a research vessel that will earn revenues of around four million US dollars, a statement said.
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The yard, a unit of Japan's Onomichi Dockyard Company, expects revenue of 1.2 million dollars from major lay-up and dry-docking repairs to the chemical tanker Sanmar Majesty, owned by India's Sanmar Shipping.
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It is also doing dry docking-related work on a research vessel called Sagar Kanya, owned by the Shipping Corp of India (SCI) and the Indian government's National Institute of Oceanography from which another million dollars is expected in revenue.

Another million dollars is expected from dry docking and lay-up repair work on Nanga Parbat, a liquid petroleum gas carrier also owned by SCI.

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"This is one of the first major repairs we are carrying out on an LPG carrier," the statement said.

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The yard said it has also begun repairs on the tanker Kirsten, operated by Thome Ship Management of Singapore, managing Norwegian-owned vessels, which it managed to attract after the end of the island's 30-year ethnic war in 2009.

"Routine dry docking related work is being carried out and the vessel

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