Brand Award

Aug 07, 2013 (LBO) - Sri Lanka' state-run Bank of Ceylon said it had been recognized as one of 35 best brands in Asia by Mumbai-based Chief Marketing Officer Council (CMO Council). BOC has 10 million account holders equal to half the population of Sri Lanka and over a trillion rupees in assets.

Other winners included Malaysia Airlines, Samsung Electronics, Linkedin, Fuji Xerox, Globe Telecom, Master Card, Qatar Airways, Telecom Malaysia, Walmart Asia and The Jetstar Group, the Bank of Ceylon said.

The CMO Asia is represented in 35 countries across Asia, the Middle East and Australia.

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Bank of Ceylon chief marketing officer (CMO) Indunil Liyanage had accepted the award at a ceremony in Singapore attended by over 200 senior marketing and branding executives.

Bank of Ceylon said Asia's Best Brand Awards are judged by CMO Councils, global research cell.

It had got the award after being evaluated on 'mind share' which indicates the brand's strength inside the minds of customers, and 'market share' which is shown by purchasing behavior, and 'commitment share', which encourages customers to buy the brand in the future.

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