rnrnldblquote There will be no major changes to the overall strategic direction
dblquote , he said. NTB will continue to focus on gaining competitive advantage through its IT driven low cost operation.
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rnrnAmong the strategic issues identified by the consultants are plans to reduce the bank quote s present 80 percent cost income ratio to around 50 percent in the medium term.
rnrnldblquote The 80 percent cost to income ratio, which seems to high is actually caused by heavy expenditure in establishing IT systems dblquote , Goonerwardene said.
rnrnIn its new strategic plan bank will be concentrating mostly on increasing market share in the corporate market, as a short-term measure.
rnrnldblquote We are not contemplating withdrawals from any market segment dblquote , Goonerwardene said ruling out the possibili