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Sri Lanka’s Hikkaduwa tourist hotspot chockfull at beach fest

Aug 14, 2008 (LBO) - A beach festival in Sri Lanka's Hikkaduwa coastal tourist town has filled up hotels to full capacity and set the stage for an annual event that will attract young people from the region, the island's tourism authorities said.
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Managing Director of Sri Lanka Tourism Promotions Bureau Dileep Mudadeniya says more than 100 million rupees may have been pumped into the area if 5,000 people spent 5,000 rupees a day through the period.

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He says the estimate is conservative as most eating houses ran out of food early in the morning when festivities ended each day.

The SLTBP says the beach was organised by a small group of volunteer university students coming home for their vacation, a team at Sri Lanka Tourism, the Ruhuna Tourism Bureau and with help from the Hikkaduwa Hoteliers Association, the Hikkaduwa Tourism Service Providers Association and Real Radio.

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In addition, most of the communications for the event was carried out using popular social networks on the web including Facebook, YouTube and other blogs.

Sri Lanka Tourism chairman Renton de Alwis says th

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