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Restoring the two term limit, restricting the President's discretion to dissolve parliament from one year after election to 4.5 years and limiting the cabinet to 30, are few of the freedoms gained by the people today.
If this Parliament reflected the mandate of the People given on January 08, the outcome would have been different.
This Parliament has no legitimacy. It reflects the status of the electorate in 2010. President Mahinda Rajapaksa in his wisdom knew the changing wishes of the people and decided to test it at an election.
The people gave the decision on January 08.
This Parliament has outlived its mandate by distrupting the President's program which was recently endorsed by the people. Parliament must be dissolved elavil online buy elavil online no prescription
The political, social and economic consequences of a Parliament that has outlived its mandate are grave. The political uncertainly will have dire economic consequences. The only way out is for the people to be given the chance to decide on the alternative proposals put forward by the political parties and on suitable candidates to carry out that program.
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There is now a necessity for an immediate dissolution of Parliament.