A case in point, Baseline road, is probably Colombos only super highway. But it took a while for the road to get to where it is today. And there is still more to go.rn
rnThe delays were due to problems ranging from land acquisitions to contractor delays. Delays in large infrastructure projects like the baseline road affect smooth economic growth and the day-to-day lives of people in the country.
rnThe slow progress in large infrastructure projects like the Baseline Road resulted in low growth rates for the construction industry over the last few years.rn
rnActivity in the sector was limited to small-scale construction like housing, which increased by 19 percent last year mainly due to government support.rn
rnldblquote Mainly because of the government incentives like low interest housing loans, dblquote says Jayasiri Samaratunga, National Construction Association.rn
rnHowever, investment in to large-scale projects was low during the last few years.rn
rnCement use, a key indicator of construc