Sri Lanka has already achieved some of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) that seeks to halve poverty in ten years. But experts say the north east conflict has created new challenges by creating a huge pocket of poverty.
LBR's Shamindra Kulamannage spoke to a World Bank millennium development goal expert Julian Schweitwer about this and other challenges.
Shamindra Kulamannage: How do you think the level of autonomy for a North East administrative structure can affect the poverty outcome?
Julian Schweitwer: Initially you must answer the political question; what suites the country in terms of devolution.
Once you have done that then you have to decide in terms of education and health.
But the question you have to ask yourself is 'what are the functions to be held by the center and what are the functions to be devolved'.
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Probably you won’t want to devolve the financing; because if you do that the financing would become dependent on the capacity of t