Potential Euro-Sri Lankan business partners in the plastics and rubber sector will be linked up via a joint trade database floated today.rn
Launched by the European Chamber, this will serve as a data source on rubber and plastic companies, product profiles, areas for joint ventures and technical assistance.rn
rnThe database (www.eccsl.com) would be the starting point in identifying potential business partners in Europe and Sri Lanka.rn
rnldblquote The main objective of this database is to provide the Sri Lankan rubber and plastics industry a ready and comprehensive source of information on European companies supplying rubber and plastic products, components, equipment and vice versa dblquote , a chamber statement said today.rn
rnSome 4600 companies are registered on the database, with about 200 of these being Sri Lankan companies. rn
rnIntensive promotion will take place in the European Union publicising the database among companies in the rubber and plastics sectors and related industries.r