ldblquote If it continues, it will impact negatively on the economic front, dblquote the bank said.rn
rnReleasing growth numbers for the April-June quarter, the bank said gross domestic product or GDP grew by 2.5 percent, year on year. The bank revised its first quarter GDP numbers to 0.3 percent from 0.1 percent. The revision puts first six months growth at 1.
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4 percent.rn
rnHowever, the bank quote s Deputy Governor, W A Wijewardene says the growth spurt is unlikely trigger off a revision in the short-term rates in the immediate future.rn
rnldblquote Interest rates are currently at their lowest levels, any further cuts will depend on inflation and the money supply in the market, dblquote Wijewardene said.rn
rnThe bank tinkered with its key discount rates in July, by lowering the repurchase rate or repo to 11.5 percent and the reve