Sri Lanka need not worry about ornamental fish Red List: Ministry

Keith D. Bernard, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority

Nov 11, 2014 (LBO) - Sri Lanka who fishes for a bigger bite of the world ornamental fish market, with targets set for one billion bills by 2020, do not need to worry about the Red List, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce said. The Red List is an international classification of the world’s threatened animal and plant species.

Considering the government initiatives, I believe that there is no need to worry about our fish varieties going into Red Lists, Commerce Minister Rishad Badiutheen said.

What is important is that promising new global markets have begun to open for our ornamental fish in 2013.

The profitable new markets come from the Middle-East from countries like Qatar, Iran and Lebanon who had strongly increased their demand for the first time in 2013,

Among other new markets were Switzerland, Spain and Taiwan. he said.

He was addressing the first Sri Lankan International Ornamental Fish Trade Conference 2014 (SLIOFT) inaugurated on November 10 in Colombo.

Red list

"Number of endemic species have a high demand in the aquarium trade and hence over-exploitation of naturally occurring populations for export has resulted in a marked reduction in thei

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