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July 11, 2014 (LBO) - Fortunaglobal, a Sri Lanka based tech firm said it had delivered a digital banking platform to a lender in Solomon Islands. Its 'FortunaFinance' branded platform will allow Solomon Island's Pan Oceanic Bank (POB) to provide services to customers through mobile phones and the web.

"¦[F]inancial institutions of all sizes are seeking more flexible, responsive, cost efficient multi-channeled and personalized e-banking solutions to enhance their business propositions effectively," Fortunaglobal Chief Executive Suren Kohombange said in a statement.

"With seven years of industry experience in digital and mobile solutions platform, we feel that the Suite created by Fortunaglobal ¦will prove itself a significant tool in the achievement of the banks’ goals."

POB is Solomon Island's fourth largest bank.

"In our evaluations FortunaFianace Digital banking suite came out strongly in terms of its flexibility and the adoption of customer beneficial new technology and features," Pan Oceanic Bank Chief Executive Nihal Kekulawala was quoted as saying in the statement.

"We are looking forward to implement the sys

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