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Pakistan and India to fight terrorism together

ISLAMABAD, June 26, 2010 (AFP) - Pakistan and India announced Saturday they would fight terrorism together and cooperate on the 2008 Mumbai attacks as India urged Pakistan to put more suspects on trial for the atrocity. Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram and his Pakistani counterpart Rehman Malik have concluded two meetings in Islamabad with a resolution to develop a common anti-terrorism strategy, they said.

Chidambaram gave a press conference to publicly demand that Pakistan put more suspects in the Mumbai attacks on trial.

"We know that seven people are being prosecuted in the case.

How far that prosecution has proceeded is for the Pakistan government to say," the minister said.

"We think that more people stay behind the terrorist attack and more people should be prosecuted."

Malik held a press conference separately but did not comment on his counterpart's demand.

In a joint press conference late Saturday both the ministers said they would work together against terrorism.

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"We would like that our FIA (federal investigation agency) and their investigators on the CBI (central bureau of investigation) side interact with each other in the matters of terrorism, including the Bombay blasts",

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