Sri Lanka mulls energy audit to save electricity

July 02, 2010 (LBO) – The Sri Lankan government is to have energy audits for all state organisations in an efforts to save electricity and minimise wastage, a senior official said. Kithsiri Dissanaike, chairman of the Sustainable Energy Authority, said an awareness campaign for school children as well as industries is also being done to reduce waste of energy as much as possible.

We see many buildings with unnecessary light bulbs which is a waste of electricity, he told a news conference. If lights are uses properly we can reduce energy use and even reduce electricity bills.

Sri Lanka is known to have the highest energy cost for the south Asian region because of delays in starting power plants.

The bulk of the energy is supplied by oil-based thermal power plant supported by hydro-power stations.

Dissanaike said the government wants to reduce use of fossil fuel for power supply because of the high cost and pollution caused and encourage a switch to alternatives like renewable energy.

Guidelines have been prepared for industry on how to save energy.

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