Presidential election amid IMF Program: It is really for the people of SL to decide, says IMF spokesperson

The opportunity for electing a president is really for the Sri Lankans to decide, even though the current program performance remains strong, says IMF spokesperson.

Julie Kozack, Director of the IMF Communications Department responding to questions about the implications of the presidential election highlighted that reform efforts are bearing fruit and sustaining reform momentum is essential.

"Economic growth is starting to revive. Inflation is coming down. International reserves are increasing, and revenue mobilization is improving. Nonetheless, important vulnerabilities do remain, and sustaining reform momentum is going to be essential," she said.

"Regarding some of the specific questions about the presidential elections, first, it's very important to note, of course, that for the upcoming elections, this is really for the people of Sri Lanka to decide, right. Achieving the program's objectives is a key priority to give Sri Lanka a chance to emerge from one of its worst crises in history. As I've already noted, a lot of progress has been made, but the country is not out of the woods yet, and it is important to safeguard those hard won gains."

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