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Money has been ‘ruination’ of the game: Bird

LONDON, February 21, 2009 (AFP) - Money has been the "ruination" of cricket, former Test umpire Dickie Bird said Saturday, after the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) terminated all contracts with alleged fraudster Allen Stanford.
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Bird called for a return to "old traditions and principles" in a comment piece in The Sun tabloid and said he felt "saddened" when he saw large sums of money pour into cricket.
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"It was right for the England and Wales Cricket Board to terminate all contractual links with Allen Stanford," Bird, a county batsman for his native Yorkshire and Leicestershire before becoming an umpire, wrote.

"But it is too late because the damage has already been done.

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It depresses me what has happened to the game I knew and was brought up on as a boy.

Money has been the ruination of cricket."

He said that authorities should have questioned Stanford's interests in financing multi-million-dollar cricket tournaments, but instead "saw the dollar signs and dived in head-first, without thinking."

Bird continued: "There was nothing wrong with the game throughout my era as a player and an umpire. But it has all changed. Why can't we leave things alone?

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We need to return to some of the old traditions and princ
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