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Sri Lanka’s rich and poor ministries

Oct 27, 2007 (LBO) - Eighty percent of Sri Lanka's budget next year would be spent by 20 percent of the ministries with more than half the ministries getting less than one percent of money each, spending plans presented to parliament show.

Twenty percent of the ministries or the 11 biggest ones, including ones for defense, finance and nation building coming under the president, has been given 750 billion rupees out of the total 925 billion rupees planned to be spend next year.

Meanwhile more than half the ministries would get less than one percent of the total expenditure, according to an appropriation bill presented to parliament last month.

In the last two years there was a trend where resources were concentrated around the head of state and a few ministries which come under him, says Muttukrishna Sarvananthan who heads the Point Pedro Institute of Development.

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Sri Lanka has 57 ministries overlooked by 108 cabinet ministers, non cabinet ministers and deputies, which critics have said is one of the highest concentrations of ministers in the world.

Below a Billion

Forty four ministries, or 80 percent, will have annual budgets lower than 9.25 billion rupees which is one percent of proposed spendin

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