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Sri Lanka seeks collaboration on Graphene applications with Russian Company

The State Ministry of Regional Cooperation, recognizing the potential of Sri Lanka’s natural resources to contribute to the country’s economy, has been facilitating to explore means by which the country could sustainably harness minerals for Sri Lanka’s economic growth.

Cognizant of the significance of this initiative, the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Russia, Prof. M.D. Lamawamsa arranged a virtual discussion on 16 June 2021 between the State Minister of Regional Cooperation, the relevant Sri Lankan institutions and Russia’s Rusgraphene regarding potential collaboration on Graphene and its related applications.

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Graphene, which is manufactured from graphite, is utilized in multiple modern applications and has great potential for contributing to Sri Lanka’s economy. Sri Lanka possesses some of the world’s best graphite, with over 90% purity, and has been mining it since historic times, reaching a peak during World War II.

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The meeting resulted in mutual agreement for formalizing cooperation in the future between leading Sri Lankan research and manufacturing institutions and Rusgraphene.

CEO of Rusgraphene Maxim Rybin participated in the discussion. State Minister of Regional Cooperation Tharaka Balasuriya was joined by Ambassador Prof.

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M.D. Lamawamsa and officials of the State Ministry and the Embassy. The Sri Lankan institutions were represented by Chairman Prof. A. Sumathipala and Senior Research Fellow of the National Institute of Fundamental Studies (NIFS) Dr. H.W.M.A.C. Wijayasinghe and Director Manju Gunawardena, Dr.
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Nuwan Silva and Dr. Lakshitha Pahalagedera of the Sri Lanka Institute of Nano Technology (SLINTEC).
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