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Choosing the right technology stack for your web app can be tricky! It is important to identify what exactly you require, as it will accelerate the speed of development and increase longevity of your web app.

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So, let’s go through the key criteria of choosing the right development stack for you.

Complexity Type of Web Application

This is the initial step when building your web application- it can be separated into 3 types:

Simple- these are built using landing pages and simple web stores fall under this category.

Mid- level – these are more functional and are designed using frameworks. Apps for big enterprises and ecommerce platforms are good examples.

Complex – this includes many integrations and functions and may be built using multiple programming languages, like FinTech software or social networks.

Project Size
Depending on the growth of project size, the complexity will increase as well. Project size can also be separated into 3 types:

Small – single page websites and online magazines are prime examples of this, they require simple design tools to build.

Medium – financial stores and enterprise applications require multiple programming languages and are built using frameworks and better design tools.

Large – online marketplaces and social media platforms require more than just a combination of technologies and languages, they also need to be scalable.

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Depending on your web app, the importance of security may increase. For an example, if you are going to handle client data you will need to have extensive authentication and authorization processes. The coding should not leave any gaps for hackers and the correct procedures should be followed when designing.

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Time to Market
You will need time to launch your web app and get proper user feedback, therefore it is recommended that an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) development approach is adopted.

Scaling can be done horizontally- that is adding physical unit to existing database or server, or vertically- which includes adding software for new functions.

Bug Testing
Test Driven Development (TDD) is suggested when building a web app. Untested code can cause bugs which leads to inefficiency and resource spent on fixing them. If you test code from the start, you avoid a lot of problems.

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Web App Development Cost
The costs of web apps don’t stop after development, you will need to spend on maintenance too. Combined with the fact that the salary of developers is relatively high, it is imperative that you choose the right technology stack for your web app.

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This can be separated into 2 categories, the first being codebase. Choose a language that is neither too lengthy or concise as extensive loading times and debugging errors may be a problem.

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The other category is architecture, choose a tech stack that allows for additional tools and framework when necessary.
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Developer Community and Documentation
Handling and identifying errors can be very challenging for developers, and it can take a significant amount of time to do so. In order to prevent this, it is advised to use technologies with a good development community and documentation. This way, issues can be resolved quicker.

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Make sure to choose open source solutions as they are free of cost and unlimited changes can be made. This can reduce development costs and maintenance expenses.

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(Source: Mind Inventory)

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