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President requests Japan to invest in high tech assembly plants in Sri Lanka


Jan 13, 2020 (LBO) – Measures will be taken to further strengthen long-standing bilateral relations between Japan and Sri Lanka, Japanese State Minister for Regional Revitalization Kozo Yamamoto said.

Minister Yamamoto made these remarks when he paid a courtesy call on President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the Presidential Secretariat today (13).

Sri Lanka is secured and stable under the current government. The economy is also progressing. In this context, a conducive investment environment had been created in Sri Lanka for the Japanese investors, the State Minister added.
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As a country that has mastered industries such as security and development of high-quality infrastructure among many other fields Japan has a lot to offer to Sri Lanka, he further said.

President Rajapaksa explained that the growth rate of Sri Lanka which was around seven percent in 2014 had since declined and the greatest challenge before him is to recover the growth.

President also requested the Minister Yamamoto to invest in high tech assembly plants in Sri Lanka.

Minister Yamamoto responded positively and promised to promote Sri Lanka with the Japanese business community.

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