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Sri Lanka Customs to investigate waste containers: Fin Min


Jul 24, 2019 (LBO) - The Finance Minister has ordered
Sri Lanka's Customs to conduct an investigation into the import of containers containing clinical waste to the island.

He has warned that legal action will against those responsible, the Finance Ministry said issuing a statement.

Minister Mangala Samaraweera has ordered Customs Director General P.
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S.M Charles to conduct an investigation into more than a hundred containers that arrived in the Colombo Port, containing clinical waste.

 Some of these containers were subsequently released and sent to the Katunayake Export Processing Zone.

“If any country is importing waste material, it can only be done so with permission from environmental protection agencies, which in Sri Lanka is the Central Environmental Agency (CEA)," the statement said.

"Therefore the Finance Minister has instructed Customs to conduct an investigation and submit a report on the waste containers imported to Sri Lanka."

Hayleys Free Zone Limited, the company in question yesterday revealed that it has taken a decision to process the cargo in question and re-export them expeditiously at the cost of the company.

Last Friday, the BOI said that they have decided to take stern action against the company with a view to concluding this matter expeditiously as the company has failed to re-export the goods as committed.

The BOI further said that the company has from time to time requested extensions to comply, citing technical and other constraints.

Out of the 130 container loads, they have so far processed and re-exported 29 containers.

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