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Sri Lanka’s Priests defend Cardinal after broadside from Finance Minister

NEGOMBO - SRI LANKA - APRIL 23 : Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith attends the funeral ceremony of the victims of multiple terror attacks in Negomboo, Sri Lanka ,Tuesday, April 23 , 2019. The death toll from Sunday's multiple terror attacks in Sri Lanka has risen to 310, according to media reports. (Photo by Chamila Karunarathne/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

June 5, 2019 (LBO) - The council of priests for the Archdiocese of Colombo has condemned a tweet by Sri Lanka's Finance Minister which accused Sri Lanka's Cardinal Malcom Ranjith of: "fanning the flames of hatred and communalism."

Tensions are running high in Sri Lanka after the Easter Sunday acts of radical islamic terrorism struck churches and five star hotels across the country. The island's Muslim minority has been experiencing a blowback from elements of Sri Lanka's majority community which has at some points turned violent.

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The Cardinal has been seen as a voice of peace and reason during the crisis. During the crisis the Cardinal's political stature has been significantly enhanced due to what many have viewed as his exemplary response.

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The response of the people to the political leaders in the country has been quite the opposite.
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The public remain angry and frustrated with the nation's political leadership.

Cardinal Malcom Ranjith's community was struck directly by the acts of terrorism, and for the most part he has been successful in calming his community's response to the horrible events.

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